Why a Girlboss is More than Just Owning Your Own Business
There was a retirement party at my job a few weeks ago.
And to be quite honest, besides the free fajitas and "Happy Retirement" flyers I helped create and post around the office, I had no idea what to expect.
So you can probably understand why I was very surprised to find the entire party so... heart-warming.
All of it. To hear the firm talk about how this one woman left such a legacy over the past 30 years. To witness my coworkers take time to share their warm memories and stories of the friendship they had built and would miss. To see her family, so proud and happy to be sharing the last closing moments with her. And to see her, so sad to leave, but excited for the next journey in her life.
And it really made me think... why am I so afraid to retire?
I feel like I'm constantly surrounded by motivational #girlboss quotes that make me want to quit my job and run full force into the world of entrepreneurship, while simultaneously making me feel a little guilty if I don't.
I can't even count the number of times I've agreed in conversations, "Yeah, no way will I work for someone else for the rest of my life."
But it really makes me wonder... why not?
What if my passions end up aligning with my 9 to 5 and I actually enjoy my job? What if I feel fulfilled in my position and the opportunity of growth within the company? What if my coworkers become the closest people in my life and I truly can't imagine myself anyplace else?
Am I suppose to uproot myself from a place I'm thriving in, in the name of chasing the title of "girl boss"?
In my opinion, I don't think the answer is simple nor easy. Yet, part of me feels like culture says it is.
Anytime I go on Instagram, Twitter, or any type of social media, I feel like I'm constantly pushed the message of "own your own thing" which necessarily isn't a bad thing, but can be a bit... well, exhausting. And I get so caught up in the excitement of it all, I never stop to see if this is actually something I want to do.
I feel like if I'm not dreaming, grinding, or hustling, I'm cancelled. If I don't have a side job or aren't working on an extra-curricular creative project, I'm lazy. And if I even think about staying at my job for more than 3 years while the rest of my peers are chasing their wild dreams into the sunset, I must not have passion.
And of course these are the extremes of the extremes, but I do feel like as a society we subconsciously attach fulfillment and self-worth to the idea of owning something.
I think there's beauty in both. I think there's highs that come with entrepreneurship and building something from the ground up. And I think there's highs that come with working for someone else, and having the opportunity to be a vital piece of creating something way beyond you.
And of course, both have lows. Very different lows, but lows, nonetheless.
But does that make one better than another? Is one person automatically more worthy than another person because they have "Founder" in their bio?
Maybe... in society's standards at least. But then that makes me ask the question, when pursuing your own business, what are you really chasing? What are you looking to achieve?
Is it fame? Wealth? And is that alone worth it? If you could be more known or make more money working for someone else, would you?
Or maybe it's your passions. But what if those passions and creative freedom were found in another job? Does passion only exist when it's your own business?
Or is it happiness that you're looking to achieve? But what if that same happiness is found in staying at home and being a huge part of your child's life? Would the "stay-at-home mom" title still be less worthy than "full-time business owner"?
And is owning your own business truly the answer to that happiness you're seeking?
I'm not saying it is, nor am I saying it isn't. But here's what I am saying:
Entrepreneurship could be for you. Or it couldn't.
It's as simple as that. What we chase and what we find value in all depends on who we are and the unique interests and passions God instilled into each of us.
So why does entrepreneurship have to be the answer for everyone?
The answer is, it doesn't. And that's 100% okay. Because God blessed us with our own unique God-sized void that only He can fill. And when you let Him, he leads you in the direction that He needs you to impact the most people.
And for some, that's creating their own business.
And for others, that's bringing those businesses to life.
And for some, that's teaching children.
And for others, that's raising them.
And for some, that's selling houses.
And for others, that's creating homes.
And so on and so on and so on.
So it's okay to feel pushed and challenged and thrive in a company that isn't your own. It's okay to want to fully focus on your responsibility as a mother and wife. It's okay to want to stay with a company and possibly retire with them. It's okay to love the corporate life and it's job security.
And it's also okay to want completely opposite of those things.
It's okay to never want to work a 9 to 5 and jump into your passions as soon as you can. It's okay to spend time building your own online empire from the ground up. It's okay to like having a flexible schedule that allows you to enjoy other aspects of your life. And it's okay to dream about a brand built from your own hands.
And you know what else is okay? Not fitting into either of those boxes.
It's okay to not know where you belong or where God will take you. It's okay if you're interested in the idea of entrepreneurship but aren't sure if you're ready to try it. It's okay if you're dipping your toes in either side of the spectrum to find which one you like best. And it's 100% okay if you're a mix of both, or an entrepreneur in a certain season and a team member in another.
Because here's my definition of a girl boss:
Someone that's owning their own narrative, pursuing their purpose, and kicking some serious butt while doing it.
Which means that as long as you're waking up everyday in pursuit for what God has for you, you're a girl boss.
So do I believe that we all have the capability to own a business? With every single ounce of me, hell yes. We all have the ability to go out there and build something from the ground up. And the only thing stopping us is ourselves.
But does that mean that everyone has to? Here's where I say no.
We're all called to a purpose greater than who we are - whatever that may be and wherever that may take us. And each role that we're placed in is fulfilling that purpose. Which means that all roles are needed, valued, and important.
What's an entrepreneur without a team/support system? And what's a team without someone leading that vision? Both parties need each other. And both are equally valuable.
Because here's what I've realized: When we stop focusing on what we do and actually tune into who we're impacting, that's when we've truly hit gold. And your impact doesn't stop whether you're a CEO killing it on a conference call or an intern taking on her first project.
So make goals, dream big, go after them, but don't limit yourself to society's standards. Because at the end of the day, your purpose is out there waiting for you to go and get it.
And to kick some serious butt along the way.
Go forth and conquer Girl Boss,
-The Corporate Queen
Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.